

How to Log into a Course-Specific Account on ieng6

Disclaimer: I got a new Macbook between the lab and the lab report, so the first step is for Mac while the rest is for Windows

Step 1: Installing VScode


To install VSCode, simply go to this VSCode download link and click the Download Mac Univeral button. Then, just open the installer and drag the application to the application folder.

Step 2: Remotely Connecting

For Windows, you must install OpenSSH Client and OpenSSH Server by opening Settings, select Apps > Apps & Features, then select Optional Features.

Then, on VSCode, type in

$ ssh cs15lsp22zz@ieng6.ucsd.edu

and replace zz with the letters to your course-specific account.


Type yes to the options given and you should get this message in the terminal.

Step 3: Trying Some Commands

Try running these commands: Image Just type them into your connected terminal to run these commands. Some of them might not work, but that is normal.

Step 4: Moving Files with scp

Copy scp WhereAmI.java cs15lsp22zz@ieng6.ucsd.edu:~/ (where zz is your course-specific account) into your computer’s terminal, so not the remote connection. Then, remote connect to the server and use the command ls to copy the file over to the home directory. Image

Step 5: Setting an SSH key

Image On your computer terminal, copy this command: $ ssh-keygen and click enter until you get the keygen. Follow these extra steps for Windows. Then connect to the server, type mkdir .ssh, log back into your computer, and enter scp /Users/user-name/.ssh/id_rsa.pub cs15lsp22zz@ieng6.ucsd.edu:~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Step 6: Optimizing Remote Running

Image I used some shortcuts such as ; to write multiple commands in one line. This would speed up the process since it runs everything at once.